It’s July!! And I am finally feeling it, I am finally feeling, well that summer vibe! It’s been so hit and miss, and to be honest the earliest part of June I still had to put the heating on first thing in the morning! BUT here we are JULY & finally I can say I am feeling all summery, and I’m here for that!
I am loving the smell of fresh cut grass, I love the feeling of the sun on my skin, and I am looking forward to all those really cute little date’s that Luke & I can do together. Al fresco dining, cute little picnic dates, visiting the beach with Hunter, early evening walks & BBQ’s! Just those simple little things, that I love doing.
Of course with summer finally making an appearance it does bring a challenge for me (and to many others I’m sure) and that is the summer wardrobe. 3 years ago I was perfectly happy wearing little cute playsuits all the time as I had a fair amount of body confidence, but those days have long gone! And I’m finding my body more offensive now more than ever (and this topic I will save for a different post, which I am currently working on)
But I’ll say just one thing, as I am now on official countdown to my Honeymoon (148 days) which I am just so excited about. I know I have to lose the lockdown weight (yes I’m still carrying that) and hopefully find that happy medium where I look and feel good about myself.
Anyways moving back to positive July (that’s what I’m calling it) Luke and I have some things in the diary for this month (finally) And I’m looking forward to getting out and about. Heading to London, watching Moulin Rouge in the Westend and exploring some more.
The kids will soon be breaking up from school for 6 weeks, which is a massive yay in my books! Because although I don’t have kids, 6 weeks holidays means less traffic on the roads, which means mine and especially Luke’s work travel time is so much better (another thing I am absolutely here for)
So wrapping this post up – Goals for this month – fully embrace summer (I usually wish it away for September and the autumnal season) and find that body confidence!