I love a celebration! Anytime I can get creative, spend some money, and do something special, I’m all for it!! And Valentine’s Day is certainly no exception! YES okay it may be a highly commercialised over priced event in the calendar, where we feel obligated to spend a large amount of money on gifts and cards, but hey I still love it!!
2 years ago I was lucky enough to spend to Valentine’s Day in NYC and last year Luke and I headed to Wales to pick up Hunter, and 2022 we are in LOCKDOWN, so it was definitely going to be a different kind of day!!
After being together for 7 years Valentine’s Day isn’t so much about the gifts….. WAIT who am I kidding, it so is, it’s ALL about the gifts!! But I was willing to scale back a little on the monetary value, because HELLO, WEDDING ALERT, and those things I have come to realise really aren’t cheap!!
So I did a little scale back Valentine’s Day for Luke (my fiancé) and to be honest it couldn’t have gone any better!!
Firstly the gifts – sometimes it’s SO hard to buy the man has everything….. ANYTHING! He really has it all, plus if he doesn’t own it, he’ll just go out and buy it, so present buying for Luke is a struggle!! This year I kind of went for some little practical gifts which were of a reasonable budget price and I just KNEW he’d love them!
So I headed over to the funky nut company to purchase a few little peanut butter treats, Luke (and I) both LOVE peanut butter!! Anyways I found this company by chance on Instagram and quickly new that nut butters from here would be delicious and a huge hit with Luke! I purchased 1 jar of milk chocolate peanut butter, 1 jar of caramel crunch peanut butter, a pack of honey roast nut mix, some peanut butter cups and some peanut butter pretzels!! Genuinely think that funky nut is a GREAT company and I will definitely head back for some more nut butters soon!!
My next stop was of course funky pigeon for my personalised card and I threw in some Joe Sephs chocolate popcorn – well popcorns healthy right?….
I also found a lovely top from Abercrombie & Fitch which is perfect for the cold weather we’re having right now!!

And finally, my favourite – my very own homemade grazing platter/sharing board! I am absolutely OBSESSED with these, since doing my first one back in the summer of 2019. I got the idea from Instagram and believe it may have started off in America, or at least that was the Instagram account I was following at the time! But anyways they are now HUGELY popular, with various different companies doing them, I however, still like to do my own!!

As Valentine’s Day falls on a peaceful relaxing Sunday, Luke and I are having a chilled day, with a dog walk, food, and maybe some movies, I think I may have to introduce him to one of my February favourites – Valentines Day!!
Anyways signing off here to get ready for a nice chilly long(ish) walk , but in case your interested ….. this is us!!!

Here’s our story: Me and Mr Luke Kendal
First Date: Cinema trip to watch Insidious Chapter 2
How long have you been together: 7 years
Married: Not yet!!
Who was interested first: Me, definitely me!
Who is taller: Luke
Who said I love you first: Luke
Most impatient: Me
Most sensitive: Me
Loudest: Me
Most stubborn: Me
Falls asleep first: Luke
Cooks better: Me
Better morning person: Me
Better driver: Luke
Most competitive: Luke
Funniest: Come on, it’s ME!
Where do you eat out most as a couple? Burger & Lobster
Who is more social? Me
Where was your first kiss? In a car park
Do you get flowers often? No….
How long did it take to get serious? About 2/3 months
Plans date night? Me
Who picks where you go to dinner? Both
Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? Probably me!
Who wears the pants in the relationship? Me, obviously!
Who has more tattoos? Luke
Who sings better? Me
Hogs the remote? Luke
Spends the most? Luke
Did you go to the same school? No
Where is the furthest you two have travelled together? Seychelles

Have a lovely day everyone, Ps don’t forget to leave some comments about your Valentine’s Day and what you got up too.
Happy Sunday