Let me start by saying Happy New year to all of you (yes I’m well aware that I’m actually 2 months late to the party, but I’ve been a little absent from the world of blogging)
Can I just say – it feels SO good to be back after a little break away from blogging, I feel like it’s done me the world of good and I feel refreshed and energised and ready to start again!
My last blog post was way back in October, and let me tell you A LOT has happened since then!
Obviously there was the Lockdown in November, and the other one that hit Essex a few days before Christmas, meaning lots of plans had to be changed last minute, and oh we are in another lockdown for the start of this brand new year! I mean honestly, kind of lost count as to how many lockdowns we’ve had now, 3 or 4 I think! Anyways Christmas came and went at lightening speed as it usually does, I am the girl who definitely prefers the build up to Christmas rather than the day itself (except for presents, because who doesn’t love a gift or 2!) New Year’s Eve was spent in lockdown, meaning it was zoom calls, texts and face times, but still it was all fun!
In between all that I got made redundant from my job, found a new part time one, and then all businesses shut, so I’m currently a stay at home “dog mum”!
Lifestyle Lisa also turned 4 last month! 4 years of blogging, it’s not all been sunshine and roses that’s for sure, but Happy belated Birthday to my little blog…… my goodness a lot really has happened.
Oh and saving the best until absolute last
YES! It finally after 8 years happened, and I have to say it was the most perfect proposal, on the most perfect December afternoon, with the most gorgeous ring I have ever seen! Luke absolutely outdid himself on the preparation and planning (I like to think I taught him well with prep and plan!) We have been engaged for just over 2 months and I’m still in shock, and so so happy!!

And what’s even better is that my sister also got engaged last year in October, which means we can plan together and have lots of wedding chats! Although we want completely different weddings I can’t wait to have her involved in my planning and me in hers!

With lots to “prep & plan” I’m probably going to add a wedding section to this blog, so watch this space.
As I said I’m glad to be back blogging, but a little time out was such as a good as it’s made me really appreciate Lifestylelisa and the wonderful blogging community.