Lifestyle Lisa has been one of my proud achievements, a little brand that I started one cold evening in January 2017. It started off as Little Miss Keeping It Real with very few subscribers, but slowly overtime momentum picked up and I started to grow! I changed my name a few months in and said hello to Lifestyle Lisa.
Over the last 3 and a bit years I have shared a lot on my page, from my favourite things, perfumes, holidays, family life, Disney trips and of course my Tough Mudder Journey.
I watched my little blog get bigger and bigger and couldn’t have been prouder of my small personal achievement. It was my own little tiny part of the big web that I owned and it was all mine.
I made a big mistake during lockdown by deciding to self host my own blog, something I wish I had never even heard of, let alone doing it. My blog has suffered greatly and my passion has overtime diminished with the fact that LifestyleLisa seems to be floating around somewhere in a big black hole, and I have no idea how to get it back.
I moved to a self hosted platform in May which should have been a great move, and I remember feeling so excited, but the move has sadly left my poor little blog in tatters. Broken links, photos and missing content to name but a few things I have faced.
It would definitely be so sad to give up on something I have loved for so long, but it’s now been so many months I’m not sure what the reason to continue actually is anymore.
For now I’m still here, hoping that you can all actually see the content written in this post. I will keep trying to work on the issues, but it’s been going on for so long I really don’t hold out much hope.
If I could give you lovely fellow bloggers a word of advice it would be think twice before going self hosted, I wish I had of.

I wish you the best of luck, and cool logo btw!
Thank you ?