Hello on this chilly September morning! I felt like I needed to write a post today, as it’s just been too long since I last posted! So today’s post is dedicated to hydration and a company called Revival!
Water is unquestionably absolutely one of my favourite drinks, it’s a thirst quencher, and quite possibly nothing beats a glass of ice cold water on a hot summers day!
Staying hydrated is something I find super easy to do when I’m at work in the office than I do at home. We have those big water coolers in the office, and I’m constantly refilling up my water bottle, sometimes 4/5 time’s a day.
That does significantly change when I’m at home, as I seem to drink far more tea & coffee, and maybe even the odd soft drink every now and then, and water takes a back seat in my diet.
Going through a very long lockdown and drinking very little water caused me to notice a definite change in my skin and overall appearance. I don’t have any excuses for it as our water is filtered so always tastes nice, and I store it in a glass bottle in the fridge so it’s cold when I fancy a glass, because come on lets be honest is there anything worse than a glass of barely cold tap water?
I have often heard of fancy products on the market that are meant to help keep you hydrated, but to be honest I usually dismiss them and stick to water, and there are so many products on the market it would be pretty hard to choose!
I was recently approached by a company called Revival to try out their product Revival Shots and review and give my honest opinion, well of course I said yes, I just love anything like this!!!

So first of all here’s everything you need to know about Revival – “Here at Revival we understand that if you work, play or party hard it can often mean feeling under the weather the next day. Having attended many festivals, party holidays and university; we understand the need to not only seize the night but to be at your best in the morning. Whether you have to go to work, hit the books (booze) or do it all again we have the perfect product for you! We have specially formulated our range to provide superior re-hydration to keep you at your best. Backed by science we are the only formula that actually works and delivers the ultimate morning recovery, cure and prevention”
Revival is the brainchild of friends Dr Olivia Finn & Daniel Elahi. Whilst at university the demands of playing sports, socialising, traveling and being fresh for lectures became apparent. Determined to find a way to support their active lifestyle’s they came up with Revival Rehydration & Recovery.
Revival shots cost £9.99 for a pack of six and can be purchased via amazon.
REVIEW TIME – So in your box for £9.99 you will find six sachet shots of powder. I love the sachets idea as there is no need to weigh and measure out the product you simply mix the electrolyte replacement with 500ml of water and mix!! I love easy stuff!! Each sachet contains 500mg vitamin C, which is 5x more than most high strength vitamin c supplements, and also has the perfect balance of hydration salts & vitamins C, B1, B3, B5, B12.
TASTE TEST TIME – I purchased the orange burst flavour (although you can get other flavours) I was just hoping it didn’t leave a strange aftertaste in my mouth, as I know some of them can! I have to be really honest and say it actually tasted really nice, very drinkable, no aftertaste, very non offensive indeed. I drank mine before bed as it did say on the packet that you can take before you go to sleep, as the formula will work over night and you will wake up feeling great! Well I’m all for that, I hate waking up feeling groggy and dehydrated, especially during summer months!!
Waking up the next morning I’d be lying if I said that I practically flew out of bed and was ready to run a marathon BUT I really did feel more energised, and refreshed and didn’t wake up with that horrible dryness in my mouth!
So far these Revival Shots have not let me down…. BUT it gets even better then that!
Okay so Luke and I recently had a socially distanced weekend away with friends on the Norfolk Broads, the drinks and shots were flowing nicely (a little too nicely) and then I hit a point where I JUST KNEW I could potentially be paying for this the next day! I glanced over at Luke who looked a little worse for wear and knew that he was going to have the hangover from hell! LUCKILY I had remembered to pack my revival shots before I left Essex and made 2 drinks up one for me and one for Luke and made sure he drank his before he passed out (we’ve all been there right!) I also drank mine and prayed that I would up hangover free!…..
THE NEXT MORNING – Usually after a night of drinking I am pretty much out of action for the most part of the next day, I am a lightweight and always have been, and I find it really hard to pull myself together after a night of drinking. After drinking my revival shots before bed I woke up without a fuzzy head, I didn’t have the “shakes” didn’t feel dizzy, ill or sick. All I can say is that is UNHEARD of for me! Even Luke who had consumed more alcohol that I did woke up feeling nowhere near as bad as he would of have usually, if he hadn’t taken the revival shot drink before bed!
Both Luke and I were able to get up and enjoy our Saturday and even head out on the boat to enjoy the sites of the broads.
Revival Shots are now stored in my cupboard, they are a must have, and I was thinking how great they would be to put in a Hen party bag for the morning after, I certainly wish I had known about these when I was planning for my cousins Hen party!
It’s a big YES from me, try the Revival Shots and see for yourself!!