The weather today has got me feeling very Autumnal! I don’t know about anyone else but I am MORE than ready to say hello to Autumn! It’s no secret that this is my most favourite season of them all, and I can’t wait for its arrival!!
Summer has been lovely and I have loved having sun kissed skin, and wearing one of my many cute playsuits. I’ve celebrated my birthday and spent socially distanced time with family & friends, but I can honestly say that I’m ready to pack away the summer attire and replace them with jeans, chunky jumpers and Autumn dresses and skirts.

There’s something so magical and special about the Autumnal season, you can smell it in the air, the crisp clean mornings, the chilly nights, the transition between the two seasons is just a pure delight. I can’t wait for wellie days, and watching the leaves fall from the trees, just the thought of this happy season makes me smile.
And with Autumns arrival brings a new page and a new chapter, and instead of wallowing in the past (basically a write off) of the months that have been and gone, I’m looking forward to the brand new.
Okay so Covid-19 is still right here with us, and doesn’t look like it’s going away anytime soon, but I like everyone else is learning to adapt and try and live along side the “new norm”
I now have Christmas in my sights and to spend it with my family is all that I want, so if that means following the rules strategically then so be it.
Imagine spending Christmas in lockdown, the sheer thought of it brings me out in a cold cold sweat!!
So the countdown to September has begun and I am eagerly waiting it’s arrival! So I’ll leave you with one of my favourite quotes as we begin to enter this new beautiful season.

I definitely love fall. It’s the boots, I think.