Hello on this wet and chilly Tuesday afternoon. We have been spoilt with sunshine recently and I have been enjoying every second of it, but the last few days have been unbearably stuffy, so the storms and rain are a welcome change!
With the weather being as warm as it has been and at time’s uncomfortable, I haven’t wanted to spend ages in the kitchen cooking dinner for Luke and I, actually if I’m honest I haven’t had much of an appetite in this heat, preferring a nice big salad for lunch and something smaller quick and easy for dinner.
As you may well know ever since lockdown descended upon us I have found a new love for cooking, something I never thought that I would come to enjoy! And whilst I am certainly no Gordon Ramsay, I really am enjoying cooking up new simple recipes for Luke and I to try.
The other day I stumbled by chance across a recipe on Instagram by @plantbasedrd for a smoky chickpea salad with homemade dressing, both healthy and really very simple to do. Doing a quick check to make sure I had all the ingredients needed (which I did) it was time to put together and delicious chickpea salad!
And OF COURSE I’m going to share the recipe with you guys!!
Salad – Chopped lettuce, halved cherry tomatoes, half a chopped red onion, cucumber, chopped coriander, tsp salt, tsp oregano, tsp garlic powder, tsp black pepper.
Smoky chickpeas – 1 can chickpeas drained and roughly dried, 1 tsp tahini, 2 tsp smoked paprika, 2 tsp soy sauce, 1tsp cumin. Method – I used the smallest amount of olive oil in a frying pan before adding the chickpeas and ingredients making sure all the chickpeas are coated, then cook through on a low heat until done.
Dressing – 2tbsp tahini, juice of 1 lemon, 1tsp agave (can be substantiated for maple syrup) 2 tsp soy sauce, 1tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp mustard, 2-3 tbsp water. Method – Literally super easy, put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well before adding the water and mixing until you get the desired consistency.
When it’s all done add the smoky chickpeas to the prepared salad and drizzle the delicious dressing over the top. It’s delicious and perfect!!!!