Happy August everyone, I can’t quite believe that we are now 8 months into this crazy year, but here we are!!
I always try to do a new blog post at the start of a new month, but especially for the month of August because it’s my birthday month. This birthday I can’t really think of many presents I want, I just want to be able to spend the day with my family, I think seeing as this year is a bit of a right off I won’t be celebrating.
So Essex has been having some gorgeous weather lately and yesterday (Friday) it reached 32 degrees! It was uncomfortably hot and I had to be careful of Hunter because he loves to sunbath so if I’m out catching some rays he’s out too! I did find some nice shade for him, and made sure he had plenty of water too.
I woke up this morning pretty early for a Saturday, the sun was shining and although as usual I had no specific plans for today I decided to get up and get dressed.
I’m actually starting to get into this “adulting” life, and this morning decided to do a fridge tidy! I cleaned it and put things in storage pots where possible, I mean those plastic storage containers I only ever used to put lunch in WHO knew they would come in handy for fridge space storage!!

I had originally planned to order a grazing board for today, and found a company in Hertfordshire that did them. The one I wanted was £40 and then when I enquired about delivery to my location I was told it was going to be another £40….. No thank you!! So I took matters into my own hands and made my own!! I managed to get a Sainsbury’s supermarket delivery slot for 10am this morning, and managed to get everything I would need to make sweet & savoury grazing boards for myself and Luke. They turned out PERFECT! And I’ve done enough to keep us going for a while, which means I don’t have to think about what to make for dinner!!

It’s a really strange feeling that we are now in August and I have no plans moving forward, no holiday plans, no full diary, no plans for days out and visits to London, there’s just this long road of uncertainty.
I am also working on finding my body confidence again, after wearing nothing but loose fitting clothes and for the most part no bra (TMI) throughout lockdown. It’s now left me feeling horrible when I wear anything fitted, and I find myself continuously scrutinising my body and looking back at old photos to see where the weight has gone on!! I’m not entirely sure I’ve put on any weight, but I do know for sure that I do not feel confident.
So here’s to August being my month! A month where I get to celebrate Lisa day with my family and Hunter, who loves helping open presents!! A month where I can find that confidence again and start to feel more like me.
Happy August everyone AND don’t forget those masks!!