Day 3

Tuesday was a free day for Luke, Hunter and myself as everyone else was off to the Eden project for the day, and as good and interesting as I’m sure it is we couldn’t really justify spending the money to get in when we couldn’t do anymore than sit in the park area with Hunter. Deciding to give it a miss we opted for a chilled afternoon in the town of Tintagel with a spot of lunch at the Cornishman Inn.

The weather was beautiful, warm and sunny and perfect for having a slow walk around the little shops that line the streets of Tintagel, I also couldn’t wait to have some lunch in the pub garden, I love a pub lunch and really fancied a baguette (which I hoped was on the menu!)

Always mindful of Hunter out in the sun I was glad it wasn’t too hot, it was just right for him to be able to come out with us.

First stop for me was Rolys Fudge shop, I LOVE fudge and was keen to try some delicious homemade traditional fudge! Rolys use traditional recipes to make fresh fudge every day, which is handmade in full view for you to see, it’s fascinating to watch. Roly’s Fudge started in 1987 when the founders started to make homemade fudge in their farmhouse cottage kitchen. They decided to return to the artisan method of making fudge – no oils or additives were needed, just fine quality ingredients made with only traditional methods. With quite a few flavours to choose from I ended up picking a mix of Maple & Walnut and Honey Combe……… YES I can confirm that it was DELICIOUS!

Unfortunately due to the pandemic that is still very much affecting all of our lives, there were many shops that had sadly decided to remain closed for the time being, including a cute honey shop that I really wanted to go in to get some honey – I just LOVE honey!

Browsing in the shops that were open including a sweet shop (because who doesn’t love sweets!) it wasn’t long before I was hungry. We had already decided to eat at the Cornishman because of the large garden they have outside which was perfect for Luke and I to enjoy our food and for Hunter to have space to roam around. I was delighted to see a good old baguette on the menu and so I opted for a prawn one, whilst Luke went for traditional fish & chips with mushy peas! It looked delicious!! It was lovely to chill in the sun in the pub garden watching Hunter chase butterflies, I love relaxing days!

Full from lunch we spent a little while longer exploring Tintagel, and Found room for another Cornish ice cream, which I shared with Luke and Hunter (although Hunter mainly got the cone) before heading back home to wait for the others and hear about the day they had at The Eden Project.

Luke and I lazily sat outside back at the holiday home listening to music, before ending the day with a delicious stir fry.