And Happy Wednesday! It’s a hot one here in Essex, which means all the plans that I had today (cleaning and course work, don’t get excited) has gone out the window, it’s far too nice to be stuck indoors!!
Sitting outside in the sunshine I thought about what I could share with you today, SO is there anything better than a Wednesday food post? I think not!!!!!!
I have been mentioning in my recent blog posts that I have been in the kitchen a lot since lockdown, making delicious recipes that I have come across on Pinterest!
I am especially loving making homemade protein balls to keep in the fridge as an everyday healthy(ish) snack. Whilst lifestylelisa isn’t a food blog, and I am definitely no Gordon Ramsey, I thought I’d share two of my favourite Pinterest recipes for easy protein bites!
As always I do like to point out before I start that these are not my recipes, I just saw them on Pinterest and really wanted to give them a go.
Okay let’s start –
Cinnamon Crunch Protein Balls
96g of oats, 34g of vanilla protein powder (I didn’t have protein powder it wasn’t available in the supermarket so I improvised and used vanilla shake powder! It worked perfectly fine) 64g of almond, oat or coconut flour, 1tbsp of cinnamon, 34 to 45g of nut butter of choice, 1tsp of vanilla extract, 34g of maple syrup or honey. All the ingredients go into your blender/mixer and is mixed until you have a doughy consistency that holds together, if you find its too runny you can add more oats or nut butter to bind it. Roll into bite size balls and place on baking paper and into the freezer they go for around 30 minutes!

Peanut Butter protein Balls
68g of peanut butter (crunchy or smooth works fine) 68g of oats, 34g of honey, 4tbsp of vanilla protein powder (or in my case vanilla shake powder) 1tsp of vanilla extract, 68g of chopped nuts. Same as above, into the blender, roll into balls, place on baking paper and freeze for 30 minutes.

These last for a week or 2 as long as you keep them in an air tight container in the fridge. I just love them for something quick simple and kind of healthy. I’m back to experimenting with different ingredients so I’m sure I’ll have some recipes of my own soon enough!!