I have to say 2020 is definitely the year the world went mad! I mean coronavirus IS one thing, but now riots going on all over, everyone is back to being disrespectful to one and other, and I have literally just read in the news of a shooting in Harlow (Essex UK) where a man is reportedly in critical condition. At the beginning of lockdown in March I felt like we were all in this together, all going through the same thing, all trying to get through this, not knowing what the outcome would be, feeling scared, anxious and nervous, but there seemed to be a sense of unity, amongst everyone. Now partial lockdown and social distancing has been lifted, it’s pretty much a free for all, and everyone is making up their own rules as they go along, and backs are being turned and we are no longer in it together, and I feel sad about that. 2020 will always be the year the world went mad.
Let’s round the week up
Monday – It was a chilly day here in Essex, Hunter was is no mood to go outside (he hates being cold!) so he was more than happy to stay indoors! I myself had course work to do, I have actually been pretty busy taking on new courses whilst on lockdown, so I’ve been keeping myself occupied, learning new skills, but I can reveal more all in good time. Luke is back at work now, but working from home as his office remains shut for the time being, which is I guess like a lot of offices right now. But then like they say if you can work from home then do it! I think that will be for a lot of businesses moving forward, why do all that travelling to and from work when you can work safely from home!
Tuesday – ANOTHER CHIILLY DAY! Seriously what is up with the weather, it’s June! But it certainly doesn’t feel like it. Hunter is suffering with huge separation anxiety, whilst I’m doing course work in the kitchen he has to be sat out there next to me, he can’t settle if we are not in the same room. It’s certainly worrying for Luke and I as he is our main concern so we don’t want him to be distressed as you don’t know what knock on behavioural effect that could have, so I guess we will just monitor him and see how he goes. Of course Tuesday night was the standard virtual quiz with the family, and I came LAST!! I had been doing quite well these past few weeks, but relapsed back to last place this week!! I need to read up on my general knowledge more!!
Wednesday – Okay today was a good day! I got my food processor!! Luke surprised me, I had no idea he had ordered me one! It’s literally the best thing ever! It chops and mixes, which means I can make protein balls, and chickpea cookie dough until my little hearts content! It kept me occupied for ages! I can’t wait for Saturday’s shopping delivery so I can use all the ingredients I’ve ordered!!
Thursday – Today amidst the course work and practicing I’ve been doing, I set some time aside to buy Luke some birthday presents! His birthday was back in early April during all the uncertainty that was surrounding us back then! Fast forward 2 months and that uncertainty is still very very much present, but I’ve decided that my boyfriend who does so much for me (and Hunter) now deserves some spoiling!! So I turned to good old online shopping to find him some amazing gifts! Let’s just say I’ve gone for quality over quantity, and I can’t wait for everything to arrive so that I can give them too him!!
Friday – I dedicated the morning to cleaning! Not my favourite job but it’s got to be done, and I heard the weekend was going to be nice and I want to make the most of that sunshine and not be stuck inside cleaning!! I spent the rest of the day studying my case studies, stopping Hunter from digging the garden, trying not to raid the fridge for snacks, and planning Lukes birthday! The birthday is a tough one as I’m planning it for the end of June/early July but we can’t actually DO anything so we’ll probably just stay home, and I’ll cook a nice meal, normally we’d go to London or actually DO something but with no coronavirus vaccine it will be a very long before I leave the safety of my own home and venture out into the real world.