If lockdown has taught me anything it’s taught me to re-evaluate things. I’m so used to being a serial planner that if things don’t go to that plan it’s major turmoil for me, I definitely have been known to make a mountain out of a molehill.
But all plans, every single one of them went out of the window and got crushed when the world got hit by Covid-19! All those plans that I had, the holidays, the trips the birthday surprises all disappeared pretty quickly.
And now I have no plans, my diary is empty, I rarely no what day of the week it is, let alone no what Luke and I are going to do in 4 weekends from now and usually I’d hate that. I would hate having an empty diary having no plans at all, but now I kind of realise that’s actually okay, I don’t need to have everything figured out!
I’m a girl who half wants to be successful and get my head down and work and half wants to pack up everything and travel to every destination, seeing as much as I possibly can!
Strategic plans are unnecessary in life, maybe it’s just about winging it and getting through it day by day seeing what will happen.
I can’t control or change it, so I’ll just roll with it! Of course it’s easy to sit here and write this down, but it’s something I am definitely going to try and stick too.