Well it’s official I have lost track of all days, weeks and months, I literally have no idea what day of the week it is. My body clock is so out of sync that when it comes to setting the alarm clock again and getting up at what is now considered a stupid hour, it will feel like multiple jet lags have hit me all at once!
Here in the UK little by little lockdown is being eased and lifted in certain ways. As of Monday I believe we can now meet with up to 6 members of our family in an outside area and obviously still sticking to the social distancing guidelines.
I have managed to see my family twice now, sat in the garden all nicely separated. I still find it weird that I can’t just give any family member a hug or just pop into the house – my family home, and sit on the sofa with a cup of tea.
I don’t know if it’s just me but I feel apprehensive about going out into the “real world” again, it’s been so long since I have and now I’m very apprehensive. I’m in no rush to head to any shops essential or otherwise when they do eventually open, it’s a very strange feeling, knowing the virus hasn’t gone and we are all now having to just live with it and hope we don’t get it! I almost feel panicky about it and concerned. I’m apprehensive about going back to work, NOT because I don’t want to work (obviously) but I’ll definitely be nervous when the time comes to head back into the office. I’m lucky that I have a job where I can work from home which to be honest I would be more than happy to do straight away, but stepping out of the safety of my own home kind of makes me nervous.
Okay on with the weekly blog days 42-45 – Well I think it’s been a slow one to be honest, but at least we have had some lovely weather to keep me occupied! Hunter and I have loved being out in the sunshine chilling together. Luke has been busy with house bits and securing a new fence in his dads field so that we can do some recall training with Hunter, as he has zero recall at the moment! And I can tell he’s desperate to be let off of the lead but we worry he won’t come back, hence why we need a big secure field to train him in!
Tuesday night we did our standard family virtual quiz night where I came an impressive 3rd! Not the 1st place that I wanted but still I’ll take the 3rd place and make sure I do lots of general knowledge research so I can win next week! I mean surely I’ve got to get a first place sooner or later!
On Wednesday I started to binge watch Little fires everywhere on amazon prime which was brilliant! I watched it in 2 days! Highly recommended if you haven’t seen it already and want something to binge on!!
Thursday Luke and I ordered a mammoth takeout of Macho Nachos and chocolate orange cake from my uncles pub, and okay whilst this wasn’t exactly diet friendly it was SO good! I enjoyed every single mouthful! And was stuffed by the time we had finished! I’ll link the takeaway menu for anyone who is local to the Pub in Shalford and fancies some delicious pub food. ?? https://thegeorgeinnshalford.com/

Friday was another lovely hot day in Essex, we certainly are getting quite a few of those lately and I am loving them and definitely making them most of the them before I head back to work in July. I sat outside in the garden with Hunter watching him play with all his toys! I mean he has loads, and he likes every single one of those toys out, and then after 10 minutes he’s done with everything and is ready for a nap! I know I keep saying it but Luke and I are so lucky to have Hunter, he’s an amazing pup and we love being around him, he has this huge personality and seems to just love everyone! I could sit and watch him for hours. He’s really stolen our hearts. I spent sometime whilst chilling with hunter looking for birthday gifts for Luke and my mum, they both had birthdays in April but we postponed them and have rebooked the celebrations for July! I can’t wait to celebrate with gifts! I’ve got a little list going for both of them, although Luke is pretty hard to buy for, I do have a rough idea of what I’m getting him.

I’m looking forward to what is hopefully going to be another gorgeous weekend, and I’m seeing my family too for some social distancing in the garden.
Have a great weekend everyone