Okay so now we entering the 8th, 9th,10th, 200th day of lockdown (honestly I don’t know) I’ve decided that I’m now going to group my daily blogs into 1 weekely one, honestly don’t know why I didn’t do this in the beginning!
So let’s start very quickly by saying I got to see my family last Saturday! YAYYYY! And it was the best feeling I have had in a while! We were outside the whole time, separated accordingly, and I even got to go for a walk with my mum. It’s the longest that I have spent with any of them since lockdown started! It’s such a small thing, and something that I usually very much take for granted, but it’s something that I won’t from now on, ever again!
On with the weekly blog post
Monday – Well hello sunshine! The sun decided to come back to Essex and for the time being it looks like it’s here to stay! Well with no holiday booked this year (as of yet) at least I can work on a base tan and pretend that I’m heading off to some exotic destination! With the weather warming up we have to be careful what time we walk Hunter now, early evenings certainly seem to be much cooler and quieter at the moment. I mean to be fair Hunter is a sun worshiper and can mostly be found soaking up the sun in the garden throughout the day! But for walks we like to take him when it’s cooler.
Tuesday – It was a HOT one! Hunter spent most of his time sunbathing somewhere in the garden, and I decided that while he was quiet I would FINALLY pack away the winter clothes and get out my summer wear. Okay I DID NOT try any clothes on, but with each item I got out I looked at lovingly and whispered a silent “please fit me” with my fingers crossed! I’m not ready to try any items on yet, that’s far too depressing and I need to shift some lockdown weight first!

We took Hunter on a nice early evening walk today so that it wasn’t too hot for him. Because he’s still only a puppy he doesn’t need really long walks, for his age he should ideally get two 25 minute walks a day, which he absolutely loves, as long as he’s not trying to sleep! As for Tuesday nights, well they have now become virtual quiz nights for us which we do with my mum, dad, sister and her boyfriend. What’s not to love about a virtual quiz night right! I came in at an impressive 3rd this week, with Luke and my sister coming joint 1st and my mum 2nd, of course next week I have my eye on winning! I finished off my evening by watching James Bond Live and Let Die! Confession – I am a secret Bond lover! I have been since I was little, I grew up watching the classic Bond films something I get from my dads side of the family, although my dad doesn’t like Bond films very much himself! Anything earlier than Roger Moore is too old for me to actually get into, but Roger Moore is my most favourite Bond of all time, and his films are the ones I watch the most! Live and Let Die has everything in it from voodoo, snakes, crocodiles, and they even threw in a shark for good measure! Watching the old classic films brings a sense of nostalgia for me.
Wednesday– It’s so weird how many different feelings and emotions you can go through during these strange and uncertain times. One day I’m doing a workout in my living room, making protein balls and smoothies and enjoying being on lockdown with 2 of my favourite people (well ones a dog) And the next day I’m eating everything in site, scrutinising myself in the mirror, missing my family and friends and worrying about the future, including things like – Will Disney World ever be the same, and what’s going to happen to buffets! I know it’s silly but it’s very very mixed emotions. Today Its a hate day! I hate my hair, my skin is playing up, I need a whole case of new makeup, my nails are awful, my brows are beyond help and I’m sure all my summer clothes are too small! Okay it IS THAT time of the month (TMI?) but even so I feel completely unattractive and not like me at all. But sometimes it’s OKAY to feel sorry for yourself, and to have a little worry, then bounce right back to being the queen of the homemade protein ball! And YES I did give myself that title! So what else did I do on my Wednesday, oh yeah I re-taught myself how to do the cup song! You know the one from pitch perfect! I learnt it years ago (when the film come out) and then rewatched the films the other night (because seriously who doesn’t love pitch perfect!) and then I remembered the cup song but forgot how to do it! Cue YouTube a plastic cup, patience’s and practice, and I now have it nailed! Phase 2 – to see if Luke will learn it with me so we can swap cups half way through the routine and smash it like pro’s! Chances of him agreeing are slim but hey it’s worth asking right! I finished off a very hot and sticky Wednesday by watching breakthrough, what a film! I originally watched it last year on my outward flight to Florida and loved it! As Luke had never seen it I thought it was a perfect “have a little faith” film to watch.

Thursday – Another hot day in sunny Essex, I have to say I am loving all this gorgeous weather, and am taking full advantage of it spending most of my time outside! Hunter loves to sunbath and spends a lot of time with me, until he needs to find some shade, then off he goes to chill for a while!To be honest it wasn’t an overly productive day because it was just too hot! But we did take Hunter on a nice country walk, so we headed back to my parents house which is out in the sticks to have a little social distancing conversation before heading out on a walk. I mean is everyone still following the social distancing guidelines? I know Luke and I are and likewise so are my family, but from what I see on social media, the news and also by being observant I can see that MANY are ditching social distancing in favour of “Covid-19 never existed so let’s all act like nothing ever happened” It’s pretty frustrating, ESPECIALLY when you have stuck to the rules!!
Friday – This used to be my favourite day of the week FRI-YAY! Now it’s just another blended in day along with all the rest, and to be honest I wasn’t even sure it WAS Friday when I woke up this morning! I have to say today was not at all productive, it started off with good intentions when I started cleaning the whole of downstairs, which now looks lovely and clean, but after lunch I got a headache and decided that chilling was the best medicine. It was another sticky day and I didn’t sleep too well the night before due to the suffocating heat, so I think it was a combination of heat, lack of sleep and lack of water too! Luke and I made the absolute mistake of giving Hunter a pigs ear today which came in his sleepy paws puppy box and now his breath smells like DEATH! I mean honestly it’s really bad, so bad that I can’t actually be near him, so that means we now need to stop at pets at home tomorrow to get some puppy breath fresheners (hopefully there is such a thing!) I wrapped up Friday night with vegetarian duck stir fry (Linda McCartney’s shredded duck is so delicious!) and chilled with a movie! Maybe my weekend will be more productive! I hope you all enjoy yours whatever you get up too and please remember to social distance yourself.