Happy happy happy happy – Friday to you all!
Has the week gone quick? I really can’t decide, I loose track of days on a regular basis, but either way it’s the weekend tomorrow!
Today was semi productive, we did only headed out on one walk with Hunter as we were waiting for our fruit and vegetable delivery, and they can’t give a specific time, so we waited in as not to miss them.
I spent the day doing lashes on my practice dolls head I mean it’s not ideal, but you have to make the best out of a bad situation!
Luke and I ended up going out on a late walk with Hunter we only saw two other dog walkers tonight it was really peaceful! I know it’s really unsociable of me, but there are just those days when I don’t want to bump into loads of dog walkers and make awkward social distancing small talk! It’s especially hard with Hunter because he wants attention from EVERYONE and cries if he doesn’t, I mean he doesn’t understand why he can’t be stroked by every passerby bless him.
I am really looking forward to tomorrow (Saturday) because I get to go out for a walk with my mamma! I know, such a small thing to be happy about and something that in the past I have definitely taken for granted. But to spend some time with her is going to be just lovely, and I can’t wait!
I’m not going empty handed either, I have been very busy in the kitchen tonight making my Oatey bites! They are proving to be pretty popular but I mean they are delicious! I would LOVE to give you the recipe but I don’t have one because I just wing it!! Like I said before it’s amazing what you can do with oats, peanut butter and honey!!!
Another week down and another week closer to normality? Maybe