Happy Thursday! Albeit a very chilly Thursday! At least it was here in Essex anyway!
I have had a very positive day today, it started as usual with breakfast followed by a nice long morning walk with Hunter. When we returned home I had a lovely long hot shower and gave my hair some TLC! I’ve neglected it a little since lockdown as I only ever wear it in a messy bun now and honestly couldn’t remember the last time I washed it….. last Friday I think…… So it was definitely time to give it some love and a nice hair treatment, and it honestly made ALL the difference! I used a soap & glory hair mask that I got for Christmas and it made my hair look beautifully glossy, and not dull and tired like it had been! And okay YES the end result was I still put it in a messy bun, because A- Hunter likes to eat anything that dangles in front of him which includes hair, B- I don’t want to ruin my hair (anymore) with over straightening it when I’m not exactly going anywhere but for a walk around the village, and B- If I wear my hair down it just annoys me on the walk, and we don’t stroll, we do like to do a power walk!
So hair wash done and hair looking good, I also made a semi effort with makeup, and I mean I didn’t go full on “out out” but I did use more than 2 makeup brushes! When I can’t be bothered doing my makeup and just slap it on I use 2 brushes, but today I had the spectrum collection out, did a little bit of highlighting and even put on some eyeshadow! It felt SO GOOD!! Even if I had nowhere to go, it felt good, which put me on a positive role!

Today I didn’t obsess over my weight, for the first time in weeks, I almost liked what I saw in the mirror (almost) of course that will change at some point I’m sure and I will start to obsess again, but for today all was good!
I finished my Thursday off with of course a nice evening walk with Luke and Hunter and tonight we were joined by Lukes mum as social distancing guidelines now state that you can meet one other person from a different household outside, still keeping 6ft away.
It was so nice to have more company this evening and Hunter loved it! He was so excited to see Lukes mum, and he loved all the extra attention.
I’m planning to head home to see my mum on Saturday and go on a little walk with her and our beautiful family dog Daisy, I can’t wait to spend some time with her and have a good catch up.
Almost the weekend guys!