Happy Tuesday (at least I think it’s Tuesday!)
Another day down! And maybe just maybe another day closer to “normality”. I use that term very very loosely now because I think normal is pretty much done for the time being, but getting back to some form of normality will be nice.
Okay so Tuesday, well of course Luke and I are now heading out on 2 walks a day with Hunter! I know it doesn’t seem like much and something that I usually wouldn’t get excited about BUT when you’ve been told for almost 6 weeks that you are absolutely LIMITED to ONE form of exercise a day – Trust me it’s a big deal!
Currently I feel disgusting, I don’t even think I look like me right now, it’s a horrible feeling! My hair is dull, lifeless, limp, and did I mention DULL? My eyebrows look like 2 big hairy caterpillars, I keep getting some weird rash thing underneath my right eye which means my makeup doesn’t go on properly, my nails look like I’ve spent my entire life scrubbing floors without gloves on, and lastly I am convinced (CONVINCED) that I have put on weight, and that is the WORST feeling of all!
June is my deadline to get my summer wardrobe out and I am hoping (fingers tightly crossed) that everything still (or will by June) fit me! Until then I have to try and be good! Because right now I feel pretty over weight!
Tuesday night was the Kendal/Taylor virtual quiz night with the family, our 3rd one now and I STILL am yet to WIN! In fact this week I came last! Next week I’m bringing my A game and aiming for a win!! Tonight that title went to my mamma, so well done to her. Virtual quiz nights are a lot of fun and I’ve been enjoying them since lockdown started and separated me from my family, it makes me feel connected and close with them if only for an hour or so.
I had a pretty chilled evening after the quiz, and am hoping to get in an early night!
Wednesday is dedicated to cleaning! And after I’ve cleaned I’m going to do a face mask and wash my hair!
That’s how I roll these days!