Well it’s been another chilly day here in windy Essex, but that didn’t stop me from getting off of the sofa and being “semi” productive. Semi because I didn’t over do it (you know I like a certain amount of chill to my day) but I did spend a lot less time on my iPhone sorting out social media sites.
I washed my hair, and shaved my legs HORRAY?I did a mini face mask, put my make on, not that I ever don’t wear makeup AND lashes! Speaking of lashes I had a few comments on my lashes on an Instagram photo I uploaded on Sunday, so if your wondering my current favourites are Eylure volume lashes 109. Even when I dress completely down ready for a dog walk I wear my lashes, I’m not complete without them!! Excuse the brows though….. I told you they were bushy! Even Hunter can’t believe how bushy they are!

I also decided today to sort out my make up box because clearly that was an essential thing to do right! A spot of cleaning, some lunch (pumpkin spice bagels) and a freshly prepared salad also were part of today’s activities, so yes I’d say that was quite “semi” productive!
A nice chilly dog walk with Hunter in the evening and a Netflix movie finished off my day, I mean yes I could have started sorting out the wardrobe and packing away the cosy jumpers and tartan dresses, but I’ll save all that for a rainy day.
I’m thinking of baking another cake, maybe a carrot or lemon drizzle, depending on what ingredients I can get hold of in the supermarket on Monday. Apparently flour is pretty hard to come by at the moment, so it depends if I can get some! But I really fancy cake! Who doesn’t love cake! I’m hungry just thinking about it!
I am also planning another family quiz night for Tuesday, which will be our 3rd one, we do it over FaceTime with my mum, dad, sister and her boyfriend and of course luke and myself. We do 10 random questions each, have the snacks at the ready with a few drinks, and it’s always so much fun. And to be honest it’s something we would never normally do but it’s now become a bit normal for us, a new little lockdown tradition! And it makes me feel close to my family when I haven’t seen them in what genuinely feels like ages!
What kind of things are you all getting up to on lockdown? New routines? Family nights in lots of FaceTime chats? And any easy baking recipes PLEASE let me know! The new master chef in me is just raring to go!