I’ve said it once, I’ve said it twice, I’ve probably said it quite a few times actually, but this is a unique situation that everyone is currently in, and 2020, boy did you surprise us with this pandemic.
Although admittedly I have gone through a few different emotions whilst on lockdown – feeling uneasy, nervous, anxious, missing my family, uncertain of how this will all end, I have to draw on the positives that living through Covid-19 has brought me. Yes the negatives will most probably always out-way the positives purely because of the amount of lives lost to this horrendous virus. But from a personal perspective I can definitely take some positive things away from this.
Firstly I kind of feel that as a nation we are closer, we’re all just getting by and taking it one day at a time, not knowing how to feel or what we should actually be doing. We are a little more friendly towards to each other, a little smile to someone you don’t know when you are safely trying to navigate your way around M&S supermarket on a Saturday morning. It’s a virus that has no discriminations and excuse me whilst I quote a bit of high school musical but we really are all in this together.
The next thing for me personally is that I’ve been allowed time at home with Hunter, almost like a mini maternity leave but for a puppy! We picked him up on the 15th of February and little over a month later Luke and I have been at home with him everyday for the last 6 weeks, spending quality time with him.
Luke and I have also had 6 weeks of being together 24/7 watching trashy Netflix movies, cooking and baking, doing things around the house, going to bed late, getting up late, and getting under each other’s feet, but not caring at all. It’s not every day you get to do that when you both work full time.
Covid-19 has also taught me that life is short, and maybe I was trying to rush through it, like I’d wish the week away so I could get to Friday and the weekend where I could spend it with Luke and Hunter and seeing family. But when normality returns I don’t want to rush through life and wish away days, I don’t want to rush out the door early in the morning just to miss traffic and eat breakfast at my desk, i don’t want to live the monotonous life of eat, sleep work repeat. I want to have more of a healthy balance between everything which allows me to be more chilled at the same time as working and running the home, and doing the things I want.
I want to travel, I wanted to before the pandemic and I want to even more now. I want to travel the UK, search for Nessie from the shores of lockness, drink Guinness with Luke in Ireland, see the Taj Mahal, go kayaking in Canada! The list is endless!
I don’t want to waste life and opportunities, I don’t want to sit on the fence and wonder what could have been. I want to grab the opportunities and TRY and if they don’t work out, at least I know I gave it a shot.
I’ve adapted, I kow I’m not the only girl who’s adapted, but I’m proud that I have. Naked nails, bushy brows and dull hair, but this has taught me that I can go without (if needed) Yes there have been days when I have felt disgusting, and not like me at all, but I’ve got on with it and gotten over it and carried on with it.
I know can save money, I don’t need to spend money on all those excessive clothes that I forget to wear, and then end up eventually getting rid off!
A time I never thought I would live through or see in my life, but it’s happened, and it’s definitely one for the history books and story to tell the grandchildren in many years to come.
I got paid to stay at home with my boyfriend and dog to do whatever I wanted, to help save lives. And I did just that, no rule breaking from either of us. It was the smallest thing that could have been asked of me considering the magnitude of what was and still is happening.
I now realise that a switch will not be flicked and life will return to how it was. Yes the future remains uncertain but we’ll adapt to new ways of living and doing things.