Okay honestly it may or may not be day 26, I really couldn’t tell you! When lockdown first started I was going to blog everyday minus weekends but all days rolled into one, and I just lost track of absolutely everything!
First thing I’m going to do today is plug my YouTube Channel! It’s called Lifestyle Lisa (obviously) and it would mean the world if you could give it a quick check out, thumbs up and subscribe!! https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCzSlH0jnv0_5wlex0S7nB4Q
It’s only got Disney vlogs up at the moment, but I’m working on more content, still new to the whole vlog thing, but I have really enjoyed learning how to edit videos!
Whilst I’m doing some cheeky plugs don’t forget to please follow me on
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/xlifestyle_lisa/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/lifestylelisa/
Okay plugs over
Essex has been rainy this past week!! And it’s kind of the time where being a dog owner isn’t that much fun, because even though it’s pouring down outside Hunter STILL has to go out on his daily walk!
I mean I only have to rewind to 8 years ago to when I wouldn’t usually step out in the rain unless it was an absolute necessity, and I certainly would not be caught out walking my dogs! But 8 years on I’ve done a tough mudder, climbed 2 mountains and now own an array of waterproof clothing! HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED!!
Not much else to report on here in the Kendal/Taylor household, Luke and I have been doing things around the house, entertaining the puppy, and watching way too much of Ramsay’s Kitchen nightmares which has released the “wannabe chef” in us both.
During lockdown we’ve made a banana loaf


Blueberry oatmeal

And I am forever making little oat baked treats, I mean honestly it’s AMAZING what you can make with oats!!

So I have definitely been keeping myself occupied!
Heading into another weekend I honestly couldn’t tell you what our plans will be, but I know it will involve us being all together (Luke, Hunter & I) and enjoying each other’s company.