Happy MonSun – this is now the term that Luke and I use, because honestly for the most part neither of us actually know what day of the week it is, but know that it must be somewhere between Monday and Sunday, hence MonSun! Well it made us laugh!!
Heading into week 5 of lockdown for us here in the UK, it’s madness and I STILL cannot quite get my head around it and to be honest I don’t think I ever will. With the sun shining like it was over the weekend it’s so very easy to become complacent and forget what is actually going on in the world. I sat in my back garden and I could smell BBQ’s and hear music and laughter and everything just seemed normal! Then I remember that it’s not. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.
But I don’t want to dwell on these strange time’s so today I thought why not through a lockdown recap of things that I have gotten up to and discovered during my quarantined life! I know I go through lots of different emotions when it comes to living in lockdown but I want to try and keep it a little more lighthearted, instead of talking about all the negatives, because honestly there have actually been many many positives to living through this very strange time.
1. Let’s start with SURELY THE MOST IMPORTANT THING – TIGER KING! Thank you Netflix for keeping this little gem until we needed it the most. What did I ever do without Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin in my life! Learning that Carole Baskin killed her husband Don and fed him to the tigers! I also now come to the realisation that quarantine would have been a lot less exciting had I not of discovered Tiger King!
2. I’ve been baking a lot more than I ever have before, mainly oat based treats but Luke and I also did a banana loaf and cheesecake which were both super delicious.
3. I’ve discovered that when I get bored I turn to food, it’s like the fridge and cupboards call my name, and there’s food just begging to be wasted…. anyone else get that?
4. I’ve learnt how to edit videos and subsequently now have my own YouTube channel – well it was only a matter of time before that happened!
5. I’ve not bought myself anything new throughout the whole of quarantine so far, and that’s because technically I don’t need anything! So instead of just aimlessly browsing ASOS buying whatever I “think” I need I’ve stayed away from the website. Maybe this means I can actually save money for a change!
6. I have FaceTimed my nanny everyday since lockdown began. We don’t even have to have long chats, just as long as we have a little catch up and I can see her.
7. I’ve discovered that the house gets dusty REALLY quickly, and therefore actually needs cleaning everyday! Easy when you have time on your hands, not so easy when it’s back to working full time.
8. The highlight of everyday is my 1 walk a day with Luke and Hunter. It’s good for Luke and I to get out and get some fresh air and Hunter enjoys burning some energy. We have found some lovely countryside around where we live in Essex, and it’s so peaceful except for maybe another dog walker here and there.
9. Speaking of Hunter I have really enjoyed the time I have got to spend with him over lockdown, he’s a ball of energy and can cheer you up with just a wag of his little tail. I’ve been able to watch him grow and learn new things and just become one of the most handsome, happy puppy’s I know.
10. Being with Luke 24/7 hasn’t been at all bad. In fact for the most part I’m enjoying it. It’s fun being a little stay at home family, and Lukes been getting lots of things done around the house too.
11. I’ve realised that I’m NOT as high maintenance as I once might have been. My nails are short and NAKED…..something they haven’t been in years due to my fortnightly trips to get a manicure and fresh colour. My eyebrows are busy, but I’ve not taken the tweezers to them, well it is 2020 after all and not 2009 when my brows were questionably thin! It’s taken me a while to get them to where they are today, so I will just wait it out and rock the busy brow look! And lastly my hair now lacks that beautiful dark brown almost black colour I love so much and is now faded and a little dull. BUT BOX DYES ARE NOT THE WAY FORWARD and my hairdresser is also my best friend and she will not be impressed of when this is all over if I’ve messed my hair up with BOX dye!
12. I’ve enjoyed spending time in the kitchen making delicious dinners for Luke and I and for the most part we have eaten really quite healthy (snacking aside) We haven’t had a single takeaway meal except from my Uncles pub, but that is all freshly made to order home cooked food, not the fast-food calorific kind. Instead I’ve been preparing fresh salads and even making my own dips and dressings!
Whilst parts of lockdown haven’t been great, other parts have been good and almost fun. After all it is what it is, and we just have to go with it!
Stay safe everyone

Great content! Excited to read more of your posts! I just started my own lifestyle blog and could use any and all advice you have for new bloggers! I published my first post yesterday just talking about me and my blog goals… check it out if u have time and leave a comment on feedback! Thank you so much!
Loved your first blog Jenna, and Luna!?? what a cutie ???. My advice so far is KEEP AT IT! Even on those days when you think it’s all pointless and you want to shut the blog down (and there are those days) just stuck with it, that’s what I’ve learnt. Sometimes I’m like what’s the point! But then I remember I love my little site, it’s mine I own it and even if I’m the only person in the world who reads my blog, it’s my own personal journey. Good luck, you will smash it ??xxx