Well I am certainly enjoying all of this gorgeous weather we are currently having, sitting out in my garden with Luke and Hunter almost makes the world seem normal – almost.

A little fun post for my social distancing day 21, I would love to know some of your answers. Please feel to leave me a comment.

???? ???????? ?? ???? ??? ????? ????? ?’? ????? ?? ?? ??: See both of our families and give my mamma a huge cuddle

? ?????? ????: Normality! Every aspect of normality

? ??? ????????? ???? ?????? ????????: I learnt how to go without things – such as lashes, getting my nails and brows done, it became less important

?’? ???????? ????: I was quarantined with Luke and Hunter – and that Netflix showed Tiger King

??? ????? ?’? ???? ? ???? ?????? ??????? ??: Being able throw a meal together

? ???? ?????????? ????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ????? ???? ????? ????????: Editing videos, blogging & cleaning oh and eating

??? ???????? ????? ? ???? ???? ?????? ???????? ??: I haven’t really done anything weird?

? ???? ?????? ?????? ????????: I can easily find 80 things in Tesco that I all of a sudden need

????? ????????? ???????? ????? ????????: The realisation of what’s important, and the fact the materialistic things really are not that important.