Happy Monday! A bright but chilly day here in Essex, but then I’m always cold, to be honest I am just a cold person!
So something a little different for today’s post because instead of chatting about quarantine life (I have plenty of time to chat about that) I thought I would use today’s blog to do a little “pup date” on Hunter!

He’s now been with us for over 2 months and has settled in so well, he’s also loving having both myself and Luke home all the time, he’s definitely going to suffer with separation anxiety when this is over if we are not careful.
Luke and I absolutely love Hunter, he’s a crazy ball of energy, but then loves to settle down and sleep, and NOTHING comes between this pup and his sleep!!

Social distancing and lockdown came into place the week after Hunter had his second lot if vaccinations, which unfortunately means he’s missed out on an awful lot. He only went to puppy class once, before everything got cancelled.
Luckily he’s a very social puppy, he seems to like people and children as we introduced him to as many of our family and friends as possible from an early age. Dogs however he is not too sure about! He’s actually scared of dogs, both small and big! He tries to hide behind Luke and I when a dog approaches, and it takes a bit of encouragement from us for him to do a little nose rub with the other dog! He usually does it in the end though, and then is super happy with himself!
I can’t wait until we can go back to training with Hunter, as the one session he did have he really seemed to enjoy, and it will definitely be good to get him used to other dogs!

So here is the low down on our beautiful, happy and playful boy
Name: Hunter Kendal
Also known as? Snodge, Snodge cakes, Dude & Hunter-Ninja-Bear
What breed are you? Hungarian Vizsla
How old are you? 4 months old
What’s your favourite human food? Not tried Human food, although I will eat anything accidentally dropped on the floor.
What are you scared of? My own shadow sometimes! Dogs at first, and loud noises
Favourite toy or thing to play with? My Ducks and my blue monster
Favourite things to do? Sleep, eat socks and have cuddle time with my human parents
Favourite mode of transport? My own legs
What’s something you don’t like? Still figuring that out
Have you any other furry siblings? I’m an only pup
Something you get in trouble for? Digging in the garden and stealing socks and shoes
Where do you sleep? In my cosy crate
Do you like car rides? I whinge and moan at first because I’m in the back seat when I should be up front, but after a while I’m okay.
Do you snore? Yes, and make lots of different grunts and groans in my sleep!