I’ve honestly forgotten what day it is today! I genuinely had to ask Luke! It doesn’t help that it was bank holiday Monday, which felt like a Sunday and now I’m like a day behind!
The last 2 days my WordPress has been playing up and not loading properly – super frustrating as you can imagine, especially when I am currently leading a very active social life and have loads to blog about ……. ?
On a serious note, WordPress really hasn’t been working! So I was a day late in getting up my day day 15 blog, not that I really had a lot to chat about to be honest!
I have finally stepped into the wonderful world of VLOGGING! I mean why not! I’m a blogger, may as well vlog too! It’s been something on my list of things to do since 2015. I tried to vlog my 2015 my trip to Walt Disney World but it was too hectic and I gave up after day 1, we tired again in 2016, but again gave up, then managed to do a full 2 week vlog in 2017 but never edited or uploaded it ?????. So I was determined to get some good footage and blog my 2019 trip and to actually edit it and put it on YouTube!!!! Tick it off the list! YAY
This week has been the week that my skin decided it would give me a few outbreaks, my eyebrows are ….. bushy, my nails are…… well I don’t even want to talk about them to be honest because they certainly do not look good! And it’s only going to be a matter of time before my hair colour starts fading and looking dull! But despite the moans (which I shouldn’t do) I am thankful as Luke and I are both healthy (as are both mine and Lukes families) I am quarantined with my 2 favourite boys (one man, one dog) and I have a roof over my head and food in the fridge, everything is materialistic and just me being a little diva, which I can be from time to time!
Today here in the UK we got the news that lockdown would last until at least May 7th, and whilst this isn’t the news Any of us was hoping for, I did kind of expect it. And it’s always better to be safe than sorry, I’d rather be on social distancing lockdown so that we can get rid of this horrible virus and so that life can return back to normal.
Being on lockdown has made me connect with the great outdoors and I love going on walks with Hunter and spending time out on the fresh air something that is free and I used to take for granted! Now I enjoy that one walk a day I get to have.
I do miss my family and Lukes family, I actually can’t wait to see them! I can’t wait to hug my mamma and give my Nan a big squeeze! It’s been tough but we are all safe

You’re right, I’ve forgotten what day today is too! Everyday just feels like a never ending Monday lol! ???