Happy Thursday everyone, and seriously what a lovely Thursday it is too. Currently sat chilling in my back garden waiting for Luke to finish work. I just made a delicious coffee & banana smoothie and am at the moment feeling super content.
Hunter has had a relatively chilled day, accept for when we put him in his crate for 45 minutes so that I could clean and Luke could work, we then became the worst puppy parents ever and he cried for the full 45 minutes he was crated for! Although we are trying to crate him more often as he is becoming too used to us being around! and when normality returns he will be a nightmare with separation anxiety!
Today is my Mamma’s birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY mamma. I’m pleased as she got her little letterbox gift today that I ordered from not on the high street. Sad that I can’t see her but I took her a cake yesterday and sang happy birthday from 6ft away. She loved it though, and in times like this it’s the thought that counts.
Having an absolute chill with my dude Hunter out in the garden this afternoon, we are both enjoying the sun, he loves laying in the sun nearly as much as I do! He’s such a cutie , and okay yes, sometimes he really does test my patience, but overall he’s a pretty good puppy, with an amazing personality, who just wants love and hugs in life. We are super lucky to have him, I mean I may not be saying that at 11 pm tonight when he’s crying because he had to go to sleep in his crate!
Luke and I had to pop to M&S supermarket in the evening, the queue wasn’t too long but the shelves were pretty bare, Luke got some meaty bits but for a veggie like me there wasn’t an awful lot on offer. It wasn’t a complete waste of time and we got what we could to see us over the next week.
We had a late walk with Hunter, clapped the amazing NHS staff and in fact any frontline worker, had a little FaceTime to my Nan before watching the film Se7ven with Brad Pitt, which is such a good film and another that Luke hadn’t seen before….. I mean where has this guy been!??????????
Prosecco in glass it was time to chill and enjoy the long and hopefully warm weekend.
Back to the blog on Tuesday, have a great long weekend and please remember to SOCIAL DISTANCE YOURSELF!!