Happy Thursday!
After yesterday’s “I feel sorry for myself post” I am definitely feeling more motivational and positive today! But it really is okay to have one little down day, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Today I’m doing some archiving and clearing out, I have well over 3,000 pictures on my iPhone that need to be deleted or uploaded to a Facebook album, then it’s onto the music on iPhone, I have songs on there that I don’t listen too anymore (and a few Glee Albums too) so it’s time to hit the delete button!!
Back to a normal eating routine today I haven’t been binging on chocolate, and I’m looking forward to both my walk today and dinner. In fact even Hunter is back to being better behaved than he was yesterday so maybe it was just a Wednesday thing!! He’s not being nearly as naughty as yesterday and is a lot calmer today. So far so good!

Tomorrow I’m allocating to cleaning, I know, living the dream on a Friday – that’s how I roll!! I’ve decided to do a complete blitz as soon as I wake up, maybe after porridge and a cup of tea, but before I shower and get ready for the day. So I’ll be dressed in those sexy tinkerbell pj’s not a scrap of make up AND my dirty hair tied up (because I’ve not washed it for a week) which technically is nothing new, I’m usually a one week kind of girl with dry shampoo in between. BUT tomorrow after the clean its going to be wash the hair, shave the legs and TAN, TAN, TAN!! Then dry & straighten my hair, and make an actual effort for a change. To be honest I’ve spent the last 2 weeks with my hair in a messy bum, crappy lashes, and barely any tan!! So I think it will make the world of difference to make an effort for a change!

With tomorrow all planned out, and today’s tasks of iPhone photos and iTunes cleansed, I thought I’d do a little random “about me facts” you may know them already if you’ve followed me for a while, but if your new to lifestylelisa you may not know them, so it could be a fun read, and it will if nothing else alleviate some of my boredom!!
Okay random facts about me “Lisa”

- I was born in Brighton
- I am 5ft exactly in height (and wish I was taller)
- I “use to” be a singer and dancer – not sure I could do either anymore sadly
- I always wanted to be an actress and even attended drama school
- I drink over 5 cups of tea a day
- My favourite food is a Lobster Roll
- My favourite cocktail is a Bloody Mary
- I hate Brussel sprouts
- I don’t know how our washing machine at home works
- I love leopard print
- I want to travel the world
- I hate driving
- My dream job would be working with animals
- I am newly qualified as a classic lash technician
- I’m actually quite funny (I think) I mean I make myself LOL
- I have a fear of spiders
- Alien films scare me
- I love cake!
- I hate chipped nail varnish
- I love wearing socks
- I love wearing converse
- I have a thing for designer bags
- I hate the words “holibob” and “famalam”
- I used to HATE flying, now it’s one of my favourite parts of any holiday
- I love lots of different genres of music
- I am a secret country music fan
And that wraps up my Thursday