Day 8, day 8, day 8 – Happy Wednesday and today is the 1st of a brand new month! Hello April, oh and it’s also April fools day…..

Today is a hard day, I am starting to feel really isolated from people and I feel like I haven’t seen loved ones properly in a very long time. Although I know I’m not alone in this, it’s bringing very little comfort today. And okay I’m over sensitive right now as it is that time of the month (sorry if that’s TMI) but that does explain why I am over emotional a little snappy and feeling super sorry for myself!
???? Feeling sorry for myself post continued ????
Even though Luke is here with me, he’s shut away upstairs working hard for over 8 hours a day, so mostly it’s just Hunter and I! And for the record Hunter and I are NOT vibing today, seeing as he half ate my phone and cracked the screen protector- Yes I was FUMING! He’s playing up a bit today too, maybe he’s bored though, but even when we go outside into the garden to play fetch he’s really not one bit interested, he just stands there ?????
Today I’m not really even looking forward to the daily walk, or making dinner. The novelty of being at home has certainly worn off and I now just crave normality.
My books good though, I’m now really into it and hope to be finished it by the end of the week, if I do I will wipe it all down bag it up and leave it on the doorstep of my nanny’s so that she can read it, as she’s finding things equally as difficult bless her, and doesn’t like the book she’s currently reading.
My house seems a little more suffocating today than it previously has, and all of a sudden has become small (although it’s a perfectly adequate size) There’s no cleaning to do as it’s all been done, although I did have a little tidy of the kitchen this morning, I mean for 2 humans and a dog that kitchen sure did look pretty messy this morning, even though I swear I only cleaned it yesterday!!
Not really in the motivational mood today, chocolate and food are my new current besties and I am not holding back on tucking right on in there. Box of roses, bar of dairy milk, pack of mini cheddars, the list is pretty endless!
This really is the only day that I am going to allow myself to feel not so happy, and really it is only because it’s that time of the month. And really I should come with an “approach with caution sign”
The only thing cheering me up today were the memes I was reading from Netflix Tiger King! YES KEEP THEM COMING!!

Goodbye un-motivational Wednesday, I’m looking forward to seeing Thursday!!