Day 7 – And happy Tuesday!
Okay day 7 let’s see, currently sat on the sofa with my 3rd no 4th cup of tea reading my book “Don’t wake up” with Hunter asleep right next to me! Now this puppy has slept through the night woke up at 8am and has slept from about 8.30 (ish). He really does love his sleep! He’s not a morning puppy at all, and his breakfast is still sitting there untouched!
This morning I have decided to read a good chunk of my book, this book has been read by both Luke’s and my mum and comes highly recommend, so I’m sat here trying to get into it.
I can here Luke busy upstairs on conference calls, and I’ve answered a few emails of my own this morning. But from here on out and I’m not too sure what to do with the rest of my day! The house is pretty clean and tidy to be honest, I’m dusting everyday, it’s actually amazing how much CAN settle in just one day!
Okay, I occupied myself, Hunter was busy stalking passers by from the Bay windowsill (when he wasn’t sleeping)

That meant I had free time! First up, fridge clean and rearrange! I was fed up of not being able to see things in the fridge and then finding an item out of date, especially at this moment in time! So I had a good clean out and arranged everything so that all items were displayed and perfectly visible! Moving on it was the cupboard! Cleaning the shelves and rearranging everything , from tins of beans, to rice, pasta, jack fruit, and spices! Strangely therapeutic, I was on a roll, so I decided once the cleaning and rearranging was complete, I’d get a head start on the evenings dinner. Big garden salad, extra veggies cut for dipping, home made smoked paprika dip, and I even got a little Jamie Olivia inspired and made a small onion & tomato salad with olive oil and garlic! ? my culinary skills are spot on that’s for sure!!
Really not wanting to sit down and switch on the tv, I busied myself with whatever I could, be it dusting the skirting boards (because they get dusty within hours I’m sure) or cleaning the downstairs toilet OR walking around the house and turning the sticks in the reed diffusers over (and I DO have a reed diffuser in every room except Luke’s “office”) so it’s not like I’m wasting time ?
5.50pm and it’s was time for my favourite part of the day WALKIES okay Hunter may not at the moment be impressed by that word , but let me tell you I AM!! I look forward to the daily walk everyday! Today the sun was shining brightly and it wasn’t nearly as cold as it has been, walking boots on, I was ready to get some lovely fresh air. Hunter actually seemed to enjoy today’s walk more than previous ones, he was very lively and playful, maybe because it was milder and he really does hate the cold. We walked for a good 45 minutes and saw only 5 other “walkers” who we managed to AVOID!! I have to say I am far more active than I usually am midweek under normal circumstances. I am averaging on a good 8/10,000 steps a day, usually sat at my desk I’m lucky if I get in 30000 steps, so every cloud DOES have a silver lining I guess.
You don’t need me to tell you that I finished my Tuesday off with a face time to my nanny, dinner and a film (of my choice) tonight it was a film on Netflix called Fear dot com, not one I’d recommend but it had been on my watch list for ages, so thought I’d give it a go.
Not sure what I’m going to busy my day with tomorrow!! Only time will tell