Hi everyone, hope you all had a great weekend, and didn’t get too close to anyone you shouldn’t have AND have been sticking to the government guidelines!!
So it’s MONDAY! Happy Monday!! It’s a pretty cold one here in Essex, and it was raining a little too this morning, but the sun has made an appearance at last.
My weekend, as you can probably imagine was pretty chilled! We braved M&S supermarket on Saturday morning for some essential food items, the whole process took just over an hour as there was a 20 minute queue to get in the shop (1 in 1 out policy) Once inside I spent most of my time trying to remember what I needed AND staying out of contact with other people AKA WALKERS!! I was so relieved to get back home and into the safety of my house! Dramatic much?
The rest of Saturday was a chilled mix of cleaning, baking, and if I’m honest…. eating! Throwing into the mix a few films here and there – actually I introduced Luke to Reservoir Dogs AND Thelma and Louise as he’d not seen either….. I mean they are classics BUT whatever, up until a few years back Luke has never seen True Romance before WHAT! That’s like criminal! And one of my favourite films…. “You’re so cool” I’ve now devised a little thing where Luke and I take it in turns to pick out something to watch , so starting tonight Luke can choose a movie or programme of his choice AND we HAVE to watch it, because if I had my way it would probably be horror all the time ? this way though I get to watch things I’d probably usually avoid!
Over the course of the weekend we went on 2 lovely long cold muddy walks, but it feels so good to be out in the fresh air, I honestly love it! We also took a trip back to my parents house so we could grab a take out Sunday roast from my uncles pub – which was so delicious AND filling! Luke and I haven’t had a roast since Christmas so it was definitely on the cards and very much appreciated! I do love a roast dinner! Even though I don’t eat meat I juts love all the veg and gravy ?
So that’s the weekend done – now for Monday’s antics!
Well the day started for me at 8.39, it was actually Luke who woke me as Hunter was sound asleep! He carried on sleeping whilst I made Breakfast and did some downstairs tidying up! It’s lovely being able to have a little tidy without a playful puppy trying to grab the duster constantly!
In between Hunter waking up, having a mad 5 minutes, and sleeping some more, I baked my hassle free 3 ingredient cookies, and did a tidy up upstairs – yes I know I am living the rock n roll lifestyle, do not be jealous!!
Next up it was lash practice time- and this was the big news I was going to announce a while back before life changed because of Covid-19! BUT YES my news is that I am a qualified lash technician YAYYYYY classic lashes only, but I definitely want to do Russians and Hybrids and LVL’s! So long story short, my sister and I both got some money from our parents as a little extra special Christmas present. Not wanting (for a change) to waste it I decided to put it to good use and learn something new for 2020! Being a lash girl , both strip and extensions, it seemed so prefect and fitting for me to train in doing them. It’s been tough, and most definitely not as easy as I thought it might be, but – finally I DID it and passed , such huge relief! Of course being in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic means I can’t now actually do anyone’s lashes, so I have to practice on Sonia my dolls head ? Well as far as clients go, she doesn’t moan at least and lays perfectly still!

Lashes took up a big part of my day, which took us up to Luke finishing work, and coming out of his office and down to spend time with both myself and Hunter, which also happened to be walk time too! Now Hunter can probably take or leave walk time – strange I know for a dog, but he’s still so unsure of the outside world, so at the moment he doesn’t get overly excited about the word “walkies” However he has only been going on walks for a week so I’m hoping it’s something that he will get used too. On today’s walk we got soaked and only did a 30 minute walk, we had originally planned to go further and do a long one but the heavens opened and the rain came down! Hunter doesn’t seem to mind the rain, but because his breed doesn’t have an under coat he gets cold very quickly, even with his Barbour coat on!

My evening was finished off with my usual FaceTime with my nanny , I haven’t seen her for well over 2 weeks now ? and really miss her, but do look forward to our little evening chats, although of course it’s not the same as just popping round for a cup of tea.
I have to say today has felt really slow, I still find it hard to believe what’s actually going on in the world, I’m not sure when it will fully sink in, it only becomes real when we have to venture out for essentials, that’s when I’m almost in full alert, walking dead style!!