What day is it? It could be Monday, it may be Wednesday or is it Saturday, I mean WHO KNOWS!
Day 3 of social distancing, and this morning started with a lay – in! I dragged my arse out of bed at 8am and that was only because Hunter was whining to go out, if he hadn’t woken me it’s quite possible that I could have slept in till way past 10am!! I already feel groggy because I didn’t want to get into a sleep-in routine ?
Getting on with the day it was …. PORRIDGE AND TEA for breakfast YAY!! I flipping love breakfast, it’s quite possibly my favourite meal of the day!
Finding some morning motivation Hunter and I headed into the sunshine filled back garden, where basically to put it bluntly he was a little shit and not one bit interested in any of the games I was trying to play with him. I mean fetch is definite no no, he just watches the ball with no interest whatsoever in actually running after it and fetching it! He does however LOVE digging! Oh yes he’s a digger alright!! And he seems to have a love of bugs, is that normal? ????? I definitely caught him eating a worm, and sorry there is no way I’m getting that out of his mouth! Eww, GROSS!! But at least we got out if only for 30 minutes, and I even put on my gym gear, well aware that in a few months these will probably be too tight ??

So 11.30 and I’m hungry SHOCK! I need to steer my mind away from FOOD! So I’m now thinking about who might play me in Covid 19 the movie!! NOT that any of this is a joke, but it’s day 3, I’m trying to ignore the dairy milk in the fridge, so I’m entertaining myself! Covid 19 – who would play Luke and I! Okay I’ve gone for Leighton Meester playing me because hello Gossip Girl xoxo AND whilst I really would like Ed Westwick AKA Chuck Bass to Play Luke I was a little more realistic and settled with Ian Harding who plays Ezra Fitz in Pretty Little Liars.

I also decided to start a little throwback album on Facebook where everyday I post 1 random picture from years gone by along with something I remember about that photo. So for my first one I posted one of my cousin and I on holiday in Portugal back in 2010! We had such a good time with so many laughs!!

Well with that bit of fun done, my mind was once again returning to food! So it was smoothie time in the Kendal – Taylor household, except I have run out of bananas ????? and it seems that in most smoothies is a banana. Trying to avoid the meltdown that I felt coming on I decided that given the circumstances I would improvise!! So today’s one I did frozen pineapple, frozen cherries, hand full of ice cubes, 1tsp of peanut butter, and a cup of cashew milk, I also threw in some alpro cherry yogurt as it was needing to be eaten! Blended together and job done!!
I think today I have been SLIGHTLY more motivated than the previous two days, I mean I haven’t napped so that’s a pretty good sign right?
I actually busied myself in the afternoon with doing some social media bits for my uncles pub, it keeps me occupied and it’s something I actually really enjoy. He now runs the George Inn in Shalford Essex, a beautiful old pub in a beautiful village. He hasn’t let Covid-19 stop him in his tracks, as he’s busy doing take out meals, and really good ones at that! We actually took a little 15 minute drive to the village of Shalford this evening so Luke could pick up his take out chicken curry, a nice little mid week treat. If you are a reader who lives near me in Cressing Essex then check out the George Inn https://www.facebook.com/thegeorgeshalford/

Whilst in Shalford we took Hunter for a 20 minute walk, it’s so quiet and there were hardly any cars on the road which is better for Hunter. We saw only one other dog walker and both stuck to the guidelines and kept apart, in fact Luke and I moved away and waited for her to pass, before we carried on. We exchanged a few pleasantries from a safe distance and once again things just seemed normal! Hunter was desperate to get some attention and meet her cute Labrador Pippa, but government guidelines are in place for a reason and I will not be the one to break them! I have to say that everyone I am meeting (at a distance) most certainly seems to be so much friendlier towards each other, and everyone seems to take time for a a brief chat, it’s actually really nice.
Oh and guess what…. whilst we were walking Hunter in Shalford I actually started jogging AND enjoyed it!! I know right!! Who the hell am I? I mean I didn’t jog for long possibly 10 mins (who’s counting right) but I handled it pretty well and wasn’t collapsing on the floor by the end of it! I liked it so much I’m I’m contemplating doing it again this even on the government stated ONE walk this evening!!
Back home Luke tucked into his curry and I made myself a seafood salad which was delicious and kind of healthy!!
The rest of the evening was CHILL time – well after all my day has been so busy I deserved some quiet time!!