Obviously the biggest global topic right now, and one I’m sure everyone is talking about, myself included is of course Coronavirus. I mean it’s hard not to talk about it really, seeing as it’s pretty much dominating the news currently, and it seems to crop up in every single conversation.
It’s absolute madness to think that this time last year I had not long returned from New York, had been in my new house a little over a month and was looking forward to heading off to Florida in September.
A year later and I’m rationing my toilet rolls, and hand sanitizer has become the most sort after item in the world! I mean really, I feel like the whole worlds gone crazy!
Here in Essex UK where I live with Luke i’m pleased to say (although I don’t want to jinx anything) that so far we are fine. And it’s business as usual for us for the time being. I am under no illusions that this may change over the course of the coming weeks, but for now life continues as normal. It’s still a very worrying time, not so much for us but for our elderly relatives like our Nans, and to a certain extent even our parents. I feel like I haven’t seen my parents properly for ages, and when I did last see my Nan I didn’t hug or kiss her, and in fact as a family we have just decided to self isolate my Nan who suffers with asthma and is in her 80’s to be on the safe side, although she is thank goodness relatively fit and healthy. My other nan is in her 90’s and will now have very minimal contact only. This is all so hard when you come from a close family!
Luke and I are being precautious to a certain extent, and apart from puppy training classes, we are not doing much else in our spare time. Gone are the weekly cinema trips, and planning trips to London for a lobster roll and a Westend show. In fact as of yet we haven’t even booked our summer holiday, and any plans I wanted to action for Luke’s birthday in April now can’t be done.
And to think all of this – the whole world going into lockdown came from what? Somebody eating a snake or bat some where in China! I mean that is just insane! A global pandemic from that, I just can’t get my head around it!
And it’s not just the virus that’s the worrying thing, the fact that hand sanitiser, almost anything antibacterial, and soap are like gold dust is just mind blowing! Being clean really isn’t a new thing, it’s something most of us are taught from a very early age, but I feel as though some are just learning about it.
Just sitting here today doing my online weekly shop (not bulk buying) just the usual weekly shop, and already I am limited on tins of soup (I can only buy 4) same with baked beans, eggs are also like gold dust, as is milk, and toilet roll is something you can only now dream of getting hold of! I mean the world really has gone mad?
There has been very little consideration here in the UK for the vulnerable and elderly, and that has unfortunately been down to people being greedy and bulk and panic buying with no thought for anyone else. It’s so crazy, and I still can’t quite believe that I/we are all living through something like this. This belongs in a film, a Hollywood horror film, or maybe something that you may read in a book that happened before our time, but yet it’s all so very real!
I mean self isolation? that’s basically the same as quarantine right! And quarantine I know from watching many many zombie/apocalyptic movies, and honestly it never seems to end that well – okay yes that is just my over imaginative mind but you know what I mean!
On a serious note the knock on effect this is having is unreal, for many there are job uncertainties, and small businesses are wondering how they will stay afloat in the weeks to come. I have friends in the entertainment industry and ones who also run their own businesses and this is extremely worrying times for them. I also have to feel for anyone who has a holiday or special event booked that now has been cancelled, it’s just absolutely heart breaking.
Never for a second did I think that when we entered 2020 that I would be ending my conservations with “stay safe”.
To be honest this is probably the only blog post that I will be talking about Coronavirus, instead of doom and gloom I want to publish fun posts, and whilst I may not be doing much in my spare time I’m sure Hunter and I can find lots of puppy related things to do. I think we all need some light hearted relief right now.
So to all my fellow wonderful bloggers and subscribers/readers please please do stay safe. And stay tuned for some light hearted posts coming soon.