I may have only been back to the reality of work for 2 days but the weekend could not have come quick enough for me. I’m still adjusting to having the dreaded alarm wake me up every day!

And you will all be pleased to to know that in 2020 nothing has changed because I still LOVE weekends.

With no particular plans last weekend I decided that I would spend my Saturday organising myself. I’m still a little all over the place since returning to work after Christmas, so I needed to get on top of things, which included, chopping salad bits up for lunches this week, tidying out cupboards, and generally getting on top of house bits.

Although I had time off over Christmas (which went way to quickly) Luke and I still had a busy one, so this weekend we decided a chilled out Saturday night was in order, and really is there anything that much better than a date night in?

Because January, is the longest month EVER……. seriously EVER! And after the amount I spent on Christmas presents (which was A LOT) 2020 is going to be all about saving the pennies. It’s one of my goals for this year, and although I have nothing specific in mind that I want to save for, I’ve decided to try and be wise, and just save, instead of spend, spend, spend!

So because of that I decided to spend the first Saturday of January organising a date night in for Luke and I. I mean it’s cold outside, and going out sometimes is just so overrated, and our home is so cosy and warm I really didn’t want to venture outside!

We have lots of left over drink and sweet treats, from Christmas that are practically begging to be eaten, so instead of spending money on take out (much to Luke’s horror I might add because he would have loved a take out) I instead decided to make a Chana masala, it’s a really easy slimming world recipe that I use, and i’ll include the recipe at the end of this post.

All I needed to make date night perfect was add in a film from sky, amazon or Netflix, my favourite treats, a thick cosy blanket and some candles, and there it is – a cute winter date night in!

Don’t forget to try this chana masala recipe for a simple and healthy meal ?? I added mushrooms into mine as I had some in the fridge.

Happy Monday everyone, own it like a boss.
