Last Saturday I actually managed to get Luke to come and watch The Greatest Showman with me at the cinema! I had wanted to see this film since it’s release on boxing day! Admittedly I did pretend when asked not to know that it was essentially a musical, that would feature singing and dancing!!
I knew that Luke had once gone to the cinema to see Moulin Rouge and hated it (seriously how can you hate Moulin Rouge?!) but it appears that Luke isn’t one for an all singing all dancing spectacular!
Now I justified not telling Luke the whole truth about this film with the fact that I myself have many times sat in the local cinema watching films I have hated! Lord of the rings and the big short to name two! So now it was my turn to get my own back (okay I’m not that mean) but I did really really want to see the film!! So denying I knew what it was about really wasn’t a big deal right!!
Sat in the really busy cinema together, the opening scene of the film is Hugh Jackman bursting into a big song and dance routine! I knew Luke was looking at me!, I just whispered that I had no idea it was going to be a musical and then turned my attention back to the screen.
This isn’t a film review, as I don’t do those! But oh my god The Greatest Showman was spectacular! From start to finish I was engrossed and had to stop my self from giving a loud round of applause after every act had finished! I can definitely see this as a West End/Broadway musical!
And as for Luke…… he enjoyed it!! Don’t get me wrong, he would have preferred to have watched something else I’m sure, but it wasn’t as torturous as he thought it was going to be, and nowhere near as bad as Moulin Rouge (although again, how can you even hate that film?!)
Definitely go and see this film, it’s great for all the family, I’m wondering now if I can get Luke to come and watch it with me again, although I think that might be pushing it!! I have downloaded the full soundtrack from iTunes and now pretty much know all the words to every song! All I’m saying is if there’s going to be a Greatest Showman 2 I could definitely be in it right?!?….