Thanks for clicking on the ‘about me’ button which has bought you to this page! So i’m guessing you want to find out a bit more about me….
I’m Lisa, born in Brighton but raised in the beautiful Essex countryside, where I still live today.
Blogging was something that I had thought about doing on and off for a couple of years before deciding that it was going to be my something new for the start of 2017. Pretty unprepared I hastily set up my first blog littlemisskeepingitreal – Yep total cringe moment right there I know! I winged it for a few months blogging mainly about Disney and my Tough Mudder journey until I rebranded in the summer of 2017 and said goodbye to “littlemisskeepingitreal” and hello to “lifestylelisa”. That’s when I also decided on a complete blog makeover and to broaden my horizons and start blogging about all things lifestyle! From travel, dieting, beauty & fashion, and most recently becoming a first time home owner, lifestylelisa covers it all.
And as for me? – Well I’m a pretty normal girl – I enjoy days out and cosy nights in, I love hot chocolate with marshmallows, cups of tea and coffee. I’m a girl who enjoys her food (especially lobster rolls) I can’t say no to chocolate, cheese and biscuits and most things savoury to be honest. Family are super important to me and I’m lucky to have the best!
I love musicals, reading, and going on long country walks. I’m a big – in fact HUGE fan of lay-ins especially on a Sunday.
I love to wear leopard print, and heels that I can’t walk in, but I also love a pair of comfy converse. I adore Tiffany & Co jewellery and have a thing for designer bags. I have an obsession with perfume, candles and reed diffusers. A love for all animals, a fear of spiders, and have lived the last 7 years of my life as a pescatarian! Phew, think I’ve covered most of it!
Of course one day I would love to be a successful blogger – dream big right, but more than anything these posts will be my own personal journey and diary, and will be fond memories to look back on in years to come.
Please like, follow and subscribe, and feel free to ask me any questions or share some of your experiences with me!
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Thank you for reading and the support
With Love
L xxx