Comments on: The problem with Instagram It’s a lifestyle, so be your own label. Sun, 06 Jan 2019 02:41:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: nikki Sun, 06 Jan 2019 02:41:09 +0000 Not silly at all!!

By: Lifestyle Lisa Sat, 05 Jan 2019 22:13:09 +0000 I’m glad you find it equally annoying, I did wonder if I was being silly getting annoyed about it, but it is so frustrating! You have actually highlighted a really good point, I’ve never thought about checking if they’ve liked any of my photos first, I certainly will be from now on though! I have the same thing with twitter too….. Facebook, well yes that’s another topic altogether ? hope you’re having a lovely weekend xxx

By: nikki Fri, 04 Jan 2019 13:12:50 +0000 OMG, Lisa, you just said everything I think so often!! I can’t stand the follow/unfollow game! My first sign they’re just looking for a follow back is they chose to follow me but didn’t like ANY of my posts. Why are you following then?! I have a lot of posts, surely something attracted you to click “follow?!” I do review their profile and if I like what I see I will like and follow. If I don’t then I won’t. I also find that when there’s a huge disparity in follwers vs. following (thousands to hundreds or less) they are just looking out for themselves

I also use a few tracking apps. None that love, but they serve their purpose and have proved some people are just looking for followers.

Oh, I could go on forever….

Now, if we could just get Instagram (and Facebook) to get rid of their algorithm and let me see posts in order…… but that’s another topic. Haha. Happy Friday!
